Qwilt’s Open Caching Service and the Future of Content Delivery — What Our Strategic Partnership with Cisco Means for the CDN and Edge Cloud Industries
Today we are announcing the strengthening of our strategic partnership with Cisco, including a financial investment that will allow us to accelerate everything we are doing – from building an A-team, developing a world-class product, and expanding our network deployments, to increasing sales and marketing momentum.
This investment will turbo-boost our current efforts and put us on track to become the largest Edge Cloud worldwide, offering CDN services with more than 200 Tbps of available capacity. Yes, this is a bold ambition. Let me give you some perspective about why we are well poised to achieve that ambition.
We offer a true partnership to all Internet Service Providers worldwide as we work collaboratively to build an Open Caching service (a.k.a. Federated Global CDN) that offers the best quality of service and reliability through a superior architecture and the best economic model.
Many people say ‘true partnership,’ but our partnership is different because of our ability to offer the best product bundled with a managed service, no upfront cost, full transparency and control, and a relationship that is based on passion, trust and agility.
Of all the measures of achievement and success, I am most proud of how our customers and partners report on our performance. Qwilt has consistently received the highest QoE, reliability and customer satisfaction scores from all our partners and customers — we can confidently say we operate a superior, best-in-class CDN service.
CDN is only the first application that we are offering on our Edge Cloud platform, and together with Cisco we will expand the offering to more applications — all as part of the same partnership and at no additional cost.
If you are a content publisher, whether in the streaming business, gaming, e-commerce or any other, and you wish to enjoy the benefits of Open Caching — which are in a nutshell, better QoE at the best cost — we will be happy to offer you access to it. For confirmation, you can ask our largest announced Content Publisher customers about what makes our solution perform so well. Moreover, we will make it easy for you to onboard quickly to our platform.
On a personal note, I want to say this has been a thrilling and rewarding journey so far — like building a spaceship while in flight, for the last decade — and it is even more exciting now to approach our ‘escape velocity’ and sense we have no limits and that our opportunity is truly boundless.
I’d like to thank everyone who believed in us, supported us, and trusted us through this journey so far. We wouldn’t have been able to get to where we are without you.
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